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Frequently Asked Questions

The Sullivan County Land Bank Corporation (SCLBC) is a non-profit organization and New York State public authority working in Sullivan County, New York to strengthen neighborhoods, increase homeownership, and stimulate economic growth. We do this by building new homes, facilitating larger development projects, and acquiring vacant or abandoned properties and returning them to productive use.

SCLBC is governed by a Board of Directors that meets every month, and is supported daily by its Executive Director and the planning staff at the Sullivan County Division of Planning.

The land bank’s main source of funding comes from the NYS Attorney General, who awards grants on a competitive basis via the National Mortgage Settlement and subsequent settlements to land banks statewide. These funds go directly to fund the land bank PROGRAMS >>

SCLBC also competes for state, federal and private grant funds, and earns income through property sales.

All of the available properties are listed on the PROPERTIES page.

SCLBC properties are all located in Sullivan County, NY primarily in the Villages of Liberty and Monticello.

SCLBC sells properties through an Application Process, one of our Programs, or through a bid process. All property sales and disposition decisions, including selection of winning responses to any Applications or Requests for Proposals, are made by our Board of Directors. You can submit your application by downloading the Application PDF and mailing it in, dropping it off in person, or sending it via email.

SCLBC acquires most of its properties through the tax foreclosure process. We also accept properties donated to us from banks or local institutions and individuals on an ongoing basis.

If you are interested in donating a property, please visit our DONATE page for more information.

SCLB generally includes a deed restriction in its sales transactions that limits the time allotted to complete a renovation or establishes the occupancy or affordability requirements related to funding invested into a particular property.

We do this to ensure that buyers uphold their commitment to meet the proposed use stated in their application and complete their project within a certain timeframe.

The Land Bank may also employ deed restrictions to ensure certain outcomes in property sales (such as a requirement for owner occupancy). If a Buyer does not meet these requirements, the Land Bank may regain possession of the property.

The specific requirements for a property will be included in any Application or in any marketing materials and included in any contract of sale that may be negotiated.

SCLBC generally relies puts out Requests for Proposals to procure contractors. When seeking contractors, notices are posted to our website, and are also sent out by email to our mailing list and advertised in local newspapers. Please see the WORK WITH US page for more details.